Advanced Dowsing Course (Certified Dowser)
Advance Dowsing Course prepares you to work as a professional Certified dowser. A Certificate program is a specialized education, designed to develop or strengthen specific Career skills. A Certificate program is considered continuing education in specific cases because it builds on your knowledge and command in professional expertise in your field which covered
in entire Dowsing Science.
Batch No. 200 - ONLINE ADVANCED WORKSHOP (Certified Dowser Course) in Hindi will be held in 11st & 18th, August, 2024
Workshop timing 9.30 to 3.00 pm. (two Sundays)
Registration for Advanced Dowsing Workshop will be first come first basis. Limited 20 seats. Fees Rs. 11,400 for India base Student. Overseas Student Rs. 13,400 or $160. To dispatch Dowsing kit to overseas, courier charges extra as per Country and Code.
Certified Dowser Certificate will be issued after completion of Advanced Dowsing Workshop.
This is unique Advanced Dowsing Workshop in the World.
Perfect Training of Map Dowsing, Dowsing for Vastushastra compliance, Land Fault (Bhoomi Dosha Nidan Chikitsya), Health problem due to location cause disorders, Harmful Water veins (Black streams), Geopathic Stress (Various GS Veins). Syllabus will be sent on request to those who completed SIDG Basic Dowsing Workshop and subsequent Home work for more practice.
You never get this type of perfect Practical Training anywhere in the World.
Practical Training will be given using Advanced Dowsing Technique and Charts for complicated cases. Map Dowsing for various field i.e. Profession, Business Partner Selection, Selection of Life Partner- Matchmaking, Education, Career, Missing Person, Logo Selection, Company name selection. How to detect Vastu Energy and depth. Training in Vastu Selection and Fault. Application of L Dowsing Rod for Water finding will be taught. How to trace Geopathic Stress and various harmful veins. How to use remedies to protect human being from serious Health problems. (which are Cancer, Heart attack, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Insomnia and nightmares, Infertility, asthma, eczema, arthritis and rheumatic disorders, several types of body aches, Vertigo, Migraine, Everyday morning cold, etc.) which occurred due to Earth fault and Geopathic Stress.
Fees: Rs. 11,400 including Advanced Dowsing Booklet, Critical Dowsing Chart booklet, Dowsing L Rod Instrument, Geopathic Stress Kit (Optional) Rs. 1,800 extra.
also include Excellent Book from Richard Webster's DOWSING FOR BEGINEERS (English OR Hindi as per your choice). Advanced Dowsing workshop covered Geopathic stress detection and Demonstration of remedies and display of Videos. How to apply remedies in Vastu, Geopathic Stress and Black Streams, and health threatening properties. Every student must carry out Geopathic stress findings as Home work given after Basic Dowsing Workshop.